Must Have Guitar Accessories
Playing guitar can be rewarding and satisfying; however, it can also be frustrating without the appropriate accessories. In this article, we’ll discuss some must-have guitar accessories every guitarist should include in their toolkit. From novice to veteran guitarists alike, having these accessories will enhance your playing experience and make it more enjoyable.
A tuner should be the cornerstone of every guitarist’s toolkit. Tuning your instrument is integral to producing great sound, and with today’s range of clip-on tuners, pedal tuners, smartphone apps, and clip-on tuners, you’re bound to find one perfect for you! Clip-on tuners offer easy to use – attach to the headstock of your guitar – while pedal tuners provide greater precision that can even be used live! Additionally, smartphone apps offer additional ways of tuning on-the-go.
Spare Strings
Strings occupy an essential place in any guitar, and it is crucial that a good set is always available when necessary. With steel and nylon strings available, find one suitable to your playing style and guitar type to get playing music right away! Strings may wear out over time or break, so having extra sets at all times can be handy.
A must for every guitarist is to have the right picks on hand. From different thicknesses and materials to make playing easier for you – experimentation is key when finding one that works for you!
Guitar Straps
An essential for playing standing up, guitar straps provide support for your instrument as well as evenly distribute its weight across your shoulders. They come in leather or nylon material and it can be customized according to playing style and height requirements.
Capos are devices designed to clamp onto your guitar’s fretboard and raise its pitch by clamping onto its frets. Capos can help you play different keys without having to tune again and come in various shapes and sizes designed specifically for certain models of guitars.
Guitar Stand
Every guitarist needs a guitar stand for safe storage of their guitar when not playing it, providing a secure place to store it when not needed. These stands can come in various shapes and sizes made from wood and metal.
Guitar Case
A case is essential when safely transporting a guitar, protecting against bumps and knocks, humidity fluctuations, and temperature swings. Cases come in all shapes and sizes and materials like hard plastic or soft fabric – and also come with their own handles or straps!
The slide is a tube-shaped accessory that produces unique sounds on the guitar. Commonly found in blues and rock music genres, slides can be made out of different materials like glass and metal for maximum versatility.
Pedals (also called effects pedals) are accessories used to change the sound of your guitar. There are various kinds of pedals, including distortion, delay, and reverb pedals; multiple pedals may be combined together to achieve desired effects.
Cleaning Kit for Guitars
A guitar cleaning kit is an indispensable essential to maintaining its best condition. Containing items like polish, cloth, and string cleaner, these cleaning kits can remove dirt and grime from its surface and strings to keep your instrument looking its best.
String Winder
A string winder is an accessory designed to make changing guitar strings faster and simpler. This simple device fits over the tuning peg and allows players to quickly wind or unwind strings as desired.
Humidifier for Guitar
Humidity can have an immense effect on a guitar’s sound and playability, which is why humidifiers are such an invaluable aid for maintaining optimal conditions for your instrument. They’re especially beneficial if you live in dry climates or travel often with it – there are soundhole and case humidifier options to keep humidity at the perfect level.
Fingerboard Oil
Guitar fingerboard oil can help keep the fretboard of your guitar clean and protected by helping prevent its wood from drying out and cracking over time. Apply with a soft cloth.
String Cutter Wrench
Wrench string cutters can help speed up and simplify the string-changing process by cutting excess strings from your guitar after each change. They make this task faster and simpler.
Music Stand
Every guitarist should possess at least one music stand as part of their equipment arsenal. A music stand provides a convenient place to hold sheet music or guitar tab while performing and can be adjusted for optimal height and angle depending on individual comfort levels.
Strap Locks
Strap locks are accessories designed to securely fasten a guitar strap to its instrument. This helps prevent it from coming loose during playing sessions or falling off your shoulder unexpectedly. There are both screw-on and clip-on types of strap locks available to meet this purpose.
Power Supply
When using pedals or electronic accessories with your guitar, having a steady and reliable source of electricity is absolutely crucial to their operation and preventing noise or other unwanted sound artifacts from manifesting themselves as undesirable sound artifacts. A power supply provides this steady source of power as well as helping prevent sound artifacts that might arise as well.
Headphones are accessories designed to enable quiet practice without disturbing others. They allow you to hear the sound of your guitar without amplifying it; some models even come equipped with built-in amplifiers and effects.
Pick Holder
A pick holder is an accessory designed to attach directly to the guitar neck or strap and used to store and easily access your picks. They’re an efficient way of keeping them within easy reach if you frequently lose them and can save a great deal of time and frustration when looking for them!
A footstool is an accessory used to elevate one of your feet while playing sitting down, providing support and maintaining proper playing posture.
Accessorizing your guitar playing experience can make an enormous difference, from tuners and strings to pedals and headphones; having the appropriate accessories can enhance your sound and make playing more enjoyable for beginners or veterans alike. By investing in these essential guitar accessories, investing can take your playing to new levels of excellence.
How To Restring A Guitar
Why Should You Restring Your Guitar?
Your new guitar may play well. But after some time the strings may not produce the same tune. The strings may get slackened. Dirt or rust may wear them out. If you play your guitar frequently every day, then you should change your strings within two weeks. As a new guitarist, you should change the strings every month. Otherwise, the strings may break.
Know The Strings
Usually, 4 bass strings and 2 treble strings (sometimes 3 bass strings and 3 treble strings) are there on a guitar. These strings have different types of thicknesses. The bass strings have an outer layer whereas the treble strings are made of nickel-plated steel (single layer). Now, The thinnest strings are capable of producing the highest pitch and the thickest strings can produce the lowest pitch. The layers of these strings can catch oil and dirt. So, they may not vibrate properly, Hence, you need to change those strings.
Things That You Need
* A Guitar
* A New Pack of Strings
* String Winder
* String Cutter
* Flat Surface
* A Tuner
* Lemon Oil
* Soft Clothes
How To Restring A Guitar: A Step By Step Process
Step One – Loose The Old Strings
The first step is to remove the old strings. You need a string winder to slacken the strings. Try to loosen the high pitch strings. You may not know – how to loose the strings. In that case, you can turn the tuner and you may notice the intensity of the pitch. If the pitches are higher, then they are not loosening.
After loosening all six strings, you need to snip them. You can use the string cutter and you can cut the strings just above the sound hole. As it’s a hollow area, your hardware may not damage the polished area on your guitar. You should cut the strings one by one.
Step Two – Removing The Strings
With the help of your string winder, you have to remove the bridge pins. Bridge pins stay at the bridge of your guitar and they hold the pins. The notch of a string winder should pull a bridge pin straight. You should not pull it using any angle.
Then, remove the ball ends and put the bridge pins where they belong (the hole).
After that, you can use lemon oil to clean your guitar. Soft clothes should be used when cleaning the wooden surface of your guitar.
Step Three – Identify The New Strings and Assemble Them
It’s time to identify your guitar strings. A new pack of strings may tell you the order you should follow when installing the strings. However, you need to identify the right string.
So, try to read the numbers that are on the packaging. A high number signifies a thick string. If you are new, then you should not buy expensive strings. Because for experimentation purposes, you need to buy the cheapest guitar strings.
However, try to unpack the packaging with great caution, as uncoiled strings may stab your face suddenly. Hence, open the packaging keeping it away from your face.
Step Four – Stringing Your Guitar
To string your guitar, you should start with your E string (low). Now, you have to create a mild bend. The string should have a 45-degree angle. As a result, the ball end would be in a good position. Now, take the bridge pin and push the ball end. The bridge on your guitar must have grooves. The tail of the string should sit in that groove perfectly.
You should repeat the same process with the other five strings. If you think that the string is not sitting properly, then you should pull the tail and test – whether the string’s end is in contact with the pin’s bottom.
Step Five – Threading Your Strings
After completing the fourth step, the half of the job is done. Now, the tuner posts in your guitar are waiting and you have to thread your strings through them.
This step is about – how to string your guitar at the machine head
Pick a string and put it through the hole of a machine head. Now, the string should be over the saddle and it should go right through the hole. However, for perfect winding you need to pull the string to reach the next machine head. The excess string measurement will help you when winding the string.
The string that runs down the neck should not be outside of the post. Keep mild tension by pressing the string and start winding. You should wind anti-clockwise. As you wind, you would notice that the new wraps are hitting the bottom whereas the old wraps are going upwards. After two or three winds, you have to clip the excess string.
You should use a string winder and string cutter to complete everything smoothly. Don’t overlap the winding process and you should not tune your strings until you finish the winding process.
Step Six – Tune The Strings and Stretch Them
To tune your guitar strings, you can use a clip-on guitar tuner. Tuning the strings may not be an easy task. But, you should keep the tension equal. So, bring the strings and move them back and forth. After that, you should stretch the strings. On the 12th fret, you may place your finger and stretch the strings. If you do this, your guitar may not drop its tune easily.
Step Seven – Play Your Guitar
Now, it’s time to play your guitar. if you have done everything right, then your guitar would produce sweet and crisp music. If you are not satisfied, then you should tune your guitar properly.
Some Pro Tips
1) Choose the right strings for your guitar. Follow the colors on the string packages and string your guitar accordingly.
2) Try to wear protective glass when stringing your guitar. You should also handle the sharp strings carefully.
3) Keep your guitar on a flat and high surface. So that you can have total control over it.
4) The machine head holes must point to the neck.
5) You should restring your guitar slowly. Without any experience, you should use the right process and tools to restring your guitar.
The dead strings often sound quite weird. So, you would know – when to change your guitar strings. A broken string is a clear indication that you need to change your guitar strings. So, keep an eye on your guitar strings and keep on playing great music.
How To Fix A Dent On A Guitar
Guitars are not just instruments; they are often cherished possessions and investments for musicians. However, accidents can happen, and even the most careful guitar owners can find themselves dealing with dents or other damage. While a dent may seem like a small issue, it can affect the guitar’s tone and appearance. Thankfully, many small dents can be fixed at home with a bit of patience and the right approach. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to fix a dent on a guitar, as well as tips for preventing dents from occurring in the first place.
Different Types of Dents
Before we dive into the repair process, it’s essential to understand that there are different types of dents, and each one requires a different approach. Some dents are superficial, meaning they don’t penetrate the finish or the wood of the guitar. Superficial dents are typically small and can be fixed without professional help. Other dents are deep, which means they penetrate the finish or the wood of the guitar. These dents require more extensive repairs and are best left to professionals. In this article, we’ll cover how to fix both types of dents.
Tools Needed
Before you begin fixing the dent on your guitar, you’ll need to gather some tools. Here’s a list of some tools you’ll need:
* Heat gun or hairdryer
* Rubber gloves
* Compressed air can
* Wood filler or baking soda and glue mixture
* Sandpaper (various grits)
* Clear lacquer or finish
* Polishing compound
Fixing Superficial Dents
As mentioned earlier, superficial dents are small and don’t penetrate the finish or the wood of the guitar. These dents can be fixed at home with a few simple steps. Here’s what you’ll need:
* A hairdryer or heat gun
* A soft cloth
* A polishing compound
Step 1: Assess the Dent
The first step is to assess the dent. Look at the dent carefully and determine its size and depth. This will help you determine the best way to proceed.
Step 2: Heat the Dent
Using a hairdryer or heat gun, heat the dent for a few minutes. This will cause the wood to expand and push the dent out. Make sure not to heat the guitar for too long as excessive heat can damage the finish.
Step 3: Apply Pressure
Once the dent has been heated, use a soft cloth to apply pressure to the affected area. You can also use your fingers to gently massage the dent out. If the dent is not coming out, repeat the heating process and apply more pressure.
Step 4: Polish the Area
Once the dent is removed, use a polishing compound to polish the affected area. This will help remove any scratches caused by the dent and restore the finish to its original condition.
Fixing Deep Dents
Deep dents are dents that penetrate the finish or the wood of the guitar. These dents require more extensive repairs and should be left to professionals. However, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can attempt to fix them yourself. Here’s what you’ll need:
* A wood filler that matches the color of your guitar
* Sandpaper
* A new finish
* A polishing compound
Step 1: Assess the Damage
The first step is to assess the damage. Look at the dent carefully and determine its size and depth. If the damage is severe, it’s best to take the guitar to a professional.
Step 2: Fill the Dent
To fill the dent, use a wood filler that matches the color of your guitar. Apply the wood filler to the dent and let it dry for a few hours.
Step 3: Sand the Filler
Once the filler is dry, use sandpaper to sand the filler down until it’s level with the surrounding area. Be careful not to sand too much and damage the finish.
Step 4: Apply a New Finish
After sanding the filler, apply a new finish to the area.
You can use a clear lacquer or a finish that matches the rest of the guitar. Apply the finish according to the manufacturer’s instructions and let it dry completely.
Step 5: Polish the Area
Once the finish is dry, use a polishing compound to polish the affected area. This will help blend the new finish with the surrounding area and restore the guitar’s appearance.
Tips for Preventing Dents
Prevention is always better than cure, so here are some tips for preventing dents from occurring in the first place:
1. Use a Hardshell Case
A hardshell case provides the best protection for your guitar when it’s not in use. It can prevent dents and other damage from occurring during transportation.
2. Be Careful When Handling Your Guitar
Be mindful of how you handle your guitar. Avoid bumping it into objects, and always place it in a safe place when not in use.
3. Avoid Extreme Temperatures
Extreme temperatures can cause the wood to expand or contract, leading to dents and other damage. Avoid leaving your guitar in a hot or cold car, for example.
4. Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance can help prevent dents and other damage. Clean your guitar regularly and check for any signs of wear and tear.
5. Use a Strap
Using a strap can help prevent accidental drops by keeping your guitar securely in place while you’re playing. It also helps distribute the weight of the guitar, making it more comfortable to play for longer periods.
6. Store Your Guitar Properly
When storing your guitar, make sure it’s in a safe and secure location where it won’t be bumped or knocked over. Avoid storing it in areas with extreme temperatures or high humidity levels, which can cause damage to the wood and other parts of the guitar.
Fixing a dent on a guitar can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be done. Superficial dents can be fixed at home with a few simple steps, while deep dents require more extensive repairs and should be left to professionals. Prevention is always better than cure, so take steps to protect your guitar from dents and other damage. By following these tips, you can keep your guitar in the best possible condition and enjoy playing it for years to come.
How To Clean and Polish A Guitar
Remember the day you held your guitar for the first time? The shine of the body, the impeccable strings, and the elegant fret waiting to be touched – all went away too soon with your prized possession accumulating dirt and grime in no time. Well, now it’s up to you to keep up the sheen and glamor of the instrument so that it lasts several lifetimes effortlessly.
Before you learn the nitty-gritty of cleaning and polishing your guitar, try making it a habit to wash your hands before you touch it and store it in the designated storage when not in use. Moreover, our skin is endowed with natural oils in the skin and the instrument is also exposed to various environmental elements which are beyond our control.
Once the strings are off the board, you will need a soft brush for sweeping over the entire instrument very gently. This will help remove the large particles of loose dirt. If you have an electric guitar, make sure that you work between the pickups and tuning pegs as well.
The bristles of the brush must get down to the fine corners and crevices of the instrument. The type of brush required for the process is very crucial here. A standard paintbrush from the local store isn’t the right choice. Rather you should go for a makeup brush used for applying foundation or a compact. Or if you want you can invest in a professional-grade hardware cleaning tool for your guitar.
Also, as the bristles are extremely fine, these sable tools might shed a few bristles. If you see this, just blow them off the instrument’s body and you are good to go. Make sure you touch the guitar’s headstock and work the brush to get in between the tuners on both sides.
You will come across a lot of advice regarding how to clean and polish your guitar and each guitarist will have their own set of opinions regarding how they go about it. But there’s one thing that all luthiers unanimously swear by – a clean damp soft piece of cotton cloth.
You will only need a microfiber cloth or even an old T-shirt will do a great job of wiping away oil, smudges, and grime. You will be surprised (read shocked) to know that an old baby diaper that’s washed a few times can solve the problem almost instantly.
Now that your loved instrument is devoid of all the loose dirt, it’s time to bid farewell to sweat, fingerprints, and oils. If you have pets around, don’t be surprised to find their nose-print on your guitar. This is where you will need the piece of cloth again with some warm breath.
If you see gunk stuck on the guitar’s body, don’t go for buffing and rubbing motion. Rather hold your microfiber cloth in a scooping motion. Try fog spotting with your warm breath. In most cases, fogging a spot with accumulated grime and immediately wiping the condensation with a cotton cloth will remove the gunk.
You can wet the cloth with some water so that it becomes a little damp. Next, you have to blot those spots against a dry spot on the cloth in a scooping motion for removing the gunk completely.
As the surface of the instrument is pristine and spotless, it’s time to apply polish. But it’s worth noting that over polishing will eventually ruin the surface of the instrument. Therefore, stick to polishing it once every 3 to 4 months even if you play it very frequently.
Most store-bought automotive or guitar polishes will be effective in polishing the glossy areas of UV-finished guitars. These polishes are also good for models with glossy finishes. If your guitar doesn’t have a glossy finish, it’s better that you rule out this step. Wiping the surface with a microfiber or cotton cloth can serve the purpose.
Most people love the natural finish of the guitar since it gives a personalized touch to the instrument. But the problem with this finish is that, over time, it starts losing color and gets darker. And the sad part is that you won’t be able to do much about it.
You should never use water, synthetic cleaners, or any kind of polish for your guitar with a natural finish. Although the natural finish is protected with a coat of varnish or oil-varnish mix, it is only basic and wears out in some time. This indicates that the polish you use on the surface will find its way into the grain and stain it permanently.
No matter which polish you choose, eventually, it will make some areas lighter or darker than the rest of the body. This is how natural finishes work and if you select a guitar with such a finish, you have to accept the fact that the guitar will pick some personal charm over time. And you got to be proud of your guitar’s charm.
Before squirting any amount of polish on your guitar’s body, make sure that the surface is wiped clean. It’s common sense that if there is too much dirt on the satin finish, you will only end up smearing everything. It will micro-sand the lacquer and in worse situations, the dirt will scratch against the guitar’s body. This is the reason why dark-shaded guitars eventually develop dull and hazy parts after a few years of use.
Didn’t you see your guitar neatly tucked in its case this morning? What you didn’t see is the dirt lurking behind the seemingly perfect surface. And you think that the regular wipe is all your guitar needs? Hold it under the source of light and you will discover all sorts of craps. When it comes to guitar polish, make sure that this step is preceded by thorough cleaning. The first step always involves the removal of sweat, dirt, dust, and oils. And this detailed guide will surely help you turn your guitar into a new piece once again.
How To Buff A Guitar Without A Buffer
When it comes to taking good care of a guitar, you start by wiping down its body, strings, and neck. But this is just the beginning. Oils, sweat, and dirt build up on the guitar’s surface over time. As a result, the instrument’s finish gets compromised. The finish develops a clouded film and loses color.
If your sweat consists of higher acid content, it causes the finish to deteriorate whenever you rest your arms on the guitar. As such, you need to keep your guitar clean and polished regularly. However, polishing the guitar doesn’t always mean that you need a buffer. There are other ways to do that. Continue reading the post to learn more about it.
No wonder, everything needs maintenance if you want them to perform well for many years. And, guitars are no different. Wiping down the guitar after every session of playing isn’t enough to maintain its glossy finish. The build-up of dirt, oils, and sweat will result in a hazy film alongside discoloration.
The minerals, salts, acids, and water that the sweat consists of could be corrosive to the guitar’s hardware and finish. Adding to it are certain environmental issues such as pollen and dust make guitars filthy. This is when you may need to buff your guitar to retain its original luster.
However, the interesting part is that you don’t need to use a buffer every time you want to maintain the guitar’s shine. You can maintain its shine simply by using your hand and an effective polishing compound. It is easy to buff a guitar using your hand because you don’t have to remove every component.
Moreover, your fingers can fit into small spaces whereas buffers don’t reach confined spaces. Certain buffing components are even gentle on your instrument when you use them with your hand. They give your guitar the shine without needing machines.
Below mentioned are tips that will help you to clean and polish your musical instrument in the best possible way without using a buffer.
There is no shortage of recommendations online about polishers or cleaners you can use to polish your guitar. Even if you ask every guitar player about it, they will advise you on different ways of polishing your guitar. But you can have a different view from people who build guitars and repair them.
They will tell you that the best thing to clean your guitar is to use a damp, soft cotton cloth. One good example is to use an old tee shirt. Make sure that it is free from dirt and not wet. Use the piece of cloth to wipe sweat, smudges, or grime from the guitar.
Use another piece of dry cloth to absorb the excessive buff or moisture still present on the surface. You can use old baby diapers as well. The diapers that are washed several times can serve this purpose well.
If you don’t like the idea of cleaning and polishing your guitar by using an old tee shirt or baby diaper, there are other ways as well. There are plenty of microfiber polishing cloths readily available on the market that you can use to clean your guitar.
Microfiber cloths used to polish surfaces are pretty soft and are designed for this purpose alone. However, ensure that you are not using the microfiber clothes that are used to dust and polish furniture. Because they have a rough texture, it is a good idea not to use them.
The rough texture will leave scratches on the guitar’s surface when you are working on it to achieve the right finish. Many people have used these kinds of clothes and are satisfied with their results. You can use shiny, flat clothes. Besides, the clothes used to clean the lens work gently on the finishes.
If a dry or damp cloth technique or the microfiber cloth technique won’t help you remove the build-up of sweat and dirt to your satisfaction, you may need an aggressive way to clean and polish your guitar. These days, you can find different types of cleaning solutions and polishes for your guitar.
If you somewhat feel that a damp cloth failed to clean every last piece of grime, using cleaning solutions will remove skin-oil build-ups, smudges, fingerprints, and gunk effectively. Some polishes are even designed to cover superficial scratches in lacquer-finish guitars.
Although you can find polishes that will buff out an excellent shine, make sure that you avoid the ones that come with silicone. Silicone will take dirt off your guitar along with some finish as well. When using a cleaner and polish solution, never squirt or spray it.
Put a small amount of the solution in a piece of cloth and work in a circular motion on the guitar’s surface. Wipe them off and buff them with a dry, soft cloth. Work in this manner on other sections of the surface.
If the fretboard consists of real wood, use light steel wool to clean it. Brush or wipe off the steel filling with a soft brush or cloth. Next, rub a few drops of specific lemon oil for the fretboard or other types of oil. Keep in mind that you are using only a few drops and not more than that.
Allow the oil to absorb for a couple of minutes before wiping down the board with a piece of clean cloth. You have to do that once every year in cold weather. It will keep the fretboard clean and conditioned while making it less susceptible to cracking or shrinking.
Unless you are in a passionate guitar band or have a deep liking for your instrument, you may want to keep your guitar clean and polished. You have to keep up with your public image and maintain the guitar’s well-being to enjoy every bit of playing. When you follow simple steps to clean your instrument, you don’t have to use a buffer to get the desired result.
Guitar Neck Joint Types
Guitar is one of the most popular music instruments that you can use. If you are planning to buy a guitar for you, then make sure to consider the guitar neck joint before buying. The guitar neck joint is one of the crucial parts of a guitar construction. There are different types of neck joints available and each of them can affect the playability, tone as well as the overall quality of your guitar. Each of these types also comes with a different set of advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons). Understanding all the popular guitar neck joint variations and their pros and cons is necessary while you are looking to buy this music instrument. Read on to know about the different styles of guitar neck joint and the pros and cons of each.
There are mainly 5 varieties of guitar neck joints available and each of them comes with a set of pros and cons. To determine which type of neck joint is the ideal one for you, know about all of them. This will help you to make the right decision. Here is a complete list of different varieties of guitar neck joints along with their pros and cons for you:
In the guitar construction, the bolt-on neck joint is the most popular type of neck joint available. As the guitar’s neck is joined to the body using screws or bolts, the name is bolt-on guitar neck joint. It is quite popular because it is quite easy to manufacture as well as easy to repair. This can produce slight different tones when compared to other types of neck joints. Also, this kind of neck joint comes with some tangible benefits that can actually help you to play the guitar more efficiently.
* Quite an affordable option
* Very easy to replace the neck
* Easy to adjust the neck too
* Plenty of options in the market
* Not for playing with higher tones
This is the second most popular type of neck joint. In this case, the neck is glued to the guitar body. This sort of neck joint in guitar can provide excellent resonance and sustain. You can see this sort of joint mainly in the high-end guitar construction. But when it comes to repairing or manufacturing, this can be a bit more difficult than that of the bolt-on guitar neck joint.
* Transfers resonance quite easily
* Sounds well-rounded and warmer
* Can provide tonal transfer and more sustainability
* Very comfortable to play
* Can reduce the overall weight of your guitar
* Accidental breaking of the neck is quite possible
This neck-through-body joint is made by constructing the guitar’s body and its neck as one continuous piece. Practically, there is no joining and this can provide excellent resonance to your guitar playing as well. This guitar neck joint can give you better access to the higher frets easily. But this is one of the most expensive styles of guitar neck joints for repairing and manufacturing.
* Can produce deep and warm tone
* Perfect for hard rock and heavy metal
* Expect a quality craftsmanship
* Provides very clean aesthetics
* Increase the easiness of playing
* Can be quite expensive in nature
* Almost impossible to repair
The next type of neck joint is the tilt joint that involves angling the neck slightly downwards towards the guitar’s headstock. But this neck joint can actually provide better positioning and more comfort. Thus, you can easily access the higher frets with this tilt guitar neck joint. However, this one can be quite difficult to repair and manufacture.
* Provides comfort when playing guitar
* Better access to the higher frets
* Looks aesthetically elegant
* Can be used for heavy tones
* Easy to adjust
* Quite expensive in terms of manufacturing
* Costly repairing
This is another popular type of neck joint in guitar. In this one, you get an additional cutaway or a notch in the body. This will allow you to easily access the higher frets while playing your guitar. This guitar neck joint can also offer more comfort and playability to the guitarists. This variation of neck joint is also called Spanish as it originated in Spain.
* Produce a superior sound
* Excellent resonance from the neck to body
* Easier to play the guitar
* Classic and aesthetic appearance
* Extremely expensive in nature
Now that you know all the popular styles of guitar neck joints available in the market along with their pros and cons, you have to decide which one to buy. The decision process is not easy because of so many options available in the market. To make sure that you are choosing the right type of neck joint, you have to consider a few important factors. These are:
* What are your personal preferences?
* What is your budget to buy a guitar?
* What type of music do you want to play with the guitar?
* What is the tone that you want in your guitar?
All these questions are important for you to ask yourself before you finalize which type of neck joint you will want. Analyzing what your needs are and what your budget is can help you to figure out the type of neck joint you have to buy for your guitar. But at the same time, you have to consider some important aspects like maintenance and repairing. Some of the neck joints of guitar are easy to repair while some of them are either difficult or too costly.
Once you have figured out what type of neck joint in guitar will be the ideal one for you, go ahead and shop for it. But it is better to try each and every variation of guitars with different guitar neck joints hands-on to finalize your choice. Of course, this will give you a better idea about which one suits your style the best. Instead of following the trend or popularity, you should see which guitar neck joint is more suitable for you to play.
Guitar Inlays On Amazon
A guitar’s fretboard, headstock, or neck may have inlays as ornamental accents and key guides. A number of materials including mother of pearls, abalone shell, wood, plastic, and metal, are used in making the inlays. These are usually in pieces of dots, stars, diamonds, and elaborate patterns and images that add beauty and attractive visuals to the guitar, custom inlays often include elaborate designs with photos, names, or brands.
A guitar’s inlay especially those that are placed on several particular frets is mainly there as markers for the guitar user or musician to quickly recognize which fret he puts his finger on. On the other hand, inlays are useful because it adds a personal touch to the guitar making it more legendary and artistic. Purchase only inlays from trusted sellers and suppliers which disclose the details and features. Moreover, before buying one for your loved instrument, make sure to get insights from these notes on how to carefully select the best guitar inlay for you:
* Choose a material that suits your style and budget. Make sure that it can suit the surface of your guitar and can withstand the frequency and pressure of the usage.
* The size and placement of inlays should be considered to ensure they are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Larger inlays can be more eye-catching, while smaller ones may look better on smaller instruments.
* Look for inlays that are well-crafted with smooth edges and clean lines to improve the overall appearance and feel of the guitar. Thus, so it would also not hinder or affect the experience of playing the instrument.
* Check that the inlays you choose are compatible with your guitar before making a purchase, as some inlays are designed to fit certain brands or models.
According to your preferences and style tastes, here are decorative and cool guitar inlays on Amazon:
Flying Birds Vinyl Inlay at $16.99
These Fret Markers are definitely elegant and as well as classically timeless in design. The flying bird image gives the impression of a “high-flying” appeal which embodies future success and dynamism. This vinyl materials guitar and bass sticker inlays are in Gold surface surely giving any instrument an expensive upgrade and a truly world-class taste.
The design of this inlay is only a silhouette of a flying bird. Thus, if your band or yourself as a music lover has a personal connection to birds or your band name is relevant to birds, this inlay design is perfect for you. And during gigs, the golden surface of this additive with surely glow and shimmer giving your performance a glamorous presentation. See the item at this link: https://www.amazon.it/Birds-Markers-adesivi-Inlays-guitars/dp/B07N53NZXV/ref=sr_1_16?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3B1R6UHNQT5R7&keywords=Guitar%2Binlays&qid=1682617096&sprefix=guitar%2Binlays%2Caps%2C273&sr=8-16&th=1
Flying Bat Design for $10.00
Another cool choice similar to this item is the bat silhouette design made with white pearl that shimmers through hits translucence. Find it here on this link: https://www.amazon.com/Fretboard-Markers-Sticker-Decals-Guitar/dp/B00NSESRA0/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=guitar+inlays&qid=1682618573&sr=8-3
Floral Vine Design for $23.26
This floral vine inlay design has a chic but classic creative design with different phases that will surely give a distinct look to every fret. This will definitely guide you to the proper fret because the flowers come in different levels of bloom and sizes. Every fret now has the identity in which the bloom is associated with the sound that the guitar makes whenever you press the strings on that particular fret. Hence it is so creative and charming. This is perfect for musicians in the melodramatic music genre. See the item at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Inlaystickers-Inlay-Sticker-decal-FT-297MN-G/dp/B01MXGNY7O/ref=sr_1_42?keywords=guitar+inlays&qid=1682618573&sr=8-42
Another design is the Gypsy Rose Floral Vine design that you can get for $13.00 which has a more “rock” theme through its faded black-and-white rose color and dramatic art-deco vine flows. See it here: https://www.amazon.com/Inlaystickers-B-148WR-WT-Sticker-decal/dp/B07K89LYC6/ref=sr_1_19?keywords=guitar+inlays&qid=1682618573&sr=8-19
EKG Line Design at $16.99
With this inlay design for your guitar or bass instruments, you can customize your guitar’s personality by adding a higher rate in the fret that you mostly press that accords with your band’s or composition’s keynote. This EKG inlay design is very unique and exciting making the guitar look amusing and iconic.
This is made from durable adhesive material that sticks to any coated and glossed surfaces. It is easy to install and remove with a minimum thickness so you wouldn’t get distracted by it when you are performing or playing – it will guide you instead as its “beat” or “rate” intensity will define which fret you need to press the strings on. See the item here: https://www.amazon.it/Line-Markers-232700-Inlay-Guitar-Chitarra/dp/B07F5MJVY4/ref=sr_1_102?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3B1R6UHNQT5R7&keywords=Guitar+inlays&qid=1682618108&sprefix=guitar+inlays%2Caps%2C273&sr=8-102
Playing Cards for $10.00
Cards are always there at parties as people love to play them. These playing cards are literally iconic as instrument inlays because of their remarkable symbols such as the Heart, Diamond, Spade, Clover, King, Queen, and Jack. These have mysterious charm that gives a badass impression to your guitar or bass. On the other hand, it will also mark your frets because of its truly diverse and iconic shapes. This Inlay is made from a mother of pearls. See the item at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Inlaystickers-F-020PC-WT-Sticker-decal/dp/B00NSET6UA/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=guitar%2Binlays&qid=1682618573&sr=8-2&th=1
Roman Numeral for $10.00
This inlay is made from Black Pearl and durable backing materials that make it very adhesive. Roman Numerals make a simple and traditional design to add to your favorite instrument but it creates a sense of formality and grandeur with a touch of antiquity perfect for those who play alternative and folk rock songs. See the item at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Fretboard-Markers-Sticker-Decals-Guitar/dp/B00NF9L4O4/ref=sr_1_38?crid=26AFLA7V8I7Y9&keywords=guitar+inlays+birds&qid=1682618797&sprefix=guitar+inlays+birds%2Caps%2C300&sr=8-38
Blazing Fire Guitar Inlay at $24.74
Add a blazing effect to your performance with a “flame” theme guitar inlay. It also adds a colorful character to your guitar’s neck. This design has different flames intensity making a distinct look for every fret to let you memorize easily the fret number or sound that makes when you press on the strings on it. See the item at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Inlaystickers-FB-105FF-RF-Sticker-decal/dp/B00P5WMTR0/ref=sr_1_225?crid=23W5LSOOP82U3&keywords=guitar%2Binlays&qid=1682619690&sprefix=guitar%2Binlays%2Bvinyl%2Caps%2C516&sr=8-225&th=1
Do Guitar Inlays Affect the Sound of the Guitar?
Guitar inlays are minor additives to a guitar but it makes a major difference to the convenience of the user in playing because it eases the user to identify which fret of strings he needs to press making the music flow smoothly and without any pause and errors.
Guitar Headstock Types Explained
The most-played or most-popular musical instrument that everyone knows about is the guitar. They come in many different types, shapes, and designs. However, when it comes to basic guitar anatomy, some parts are an absolute must in all kinds of guitars. Some of these parts include the body, neck, and of course, the headstock.
One of the most overlooked guitar parts happens to be the headstock. The guitar’s “head” holds many major upper components, including the tuners and the brand logo. First-time buyers are more interested in what the headstock holds than the headstock itself. However, any guitar enthusiast or expert can confirm that choosing the right type of headstock when investing in a guitar (whether acoustic or electric) is a critical decision and should not be taken lightly.
Thus, to ensure you can select the right headstock, some common guitar headstock types that all first-time buyers need to know about are jotted down below in detail. So, let’s begin this guide!
The topmost section of a standard guitar (considered vertically) is called the headstock and it houses the tuning pegs or machine heads responsible for holding the guitar strings in place. The different major guitar components that are placed in this section are the following:
1. Headstock Head
2. Trust Road
3. Machine Heads/Tuners/Tuning Pegs
4. Nut
As the strings will be attached to this section, their type and shape will impact how the guitar will sound. So, to ensure you can produce the sound you want, take into consideration the type you are going for.
Once you really understand all the parts of a standard guitar, you will see that there are many different types of guitar headstock; each with its own set of pros and cons. If you jump into such a vast pool of information now, things will be complicated and overwhelming. Hence, next are some common headstock types that all guitar players (amateur and professional) should know about.
You can guess from its name, the headstock will not be angled in any section. It was created during the 1950s in a quest to produce a headstock that is effective yet cost-effective and supports minimum wood wastage. It is the most common type that is easily recognizable.
Low-costing, simple design that is more resilient than most types available
Tuning may feel less stable for beginners when using this type of guitar headstock
What separates this type from others is the fact that scarf headstocks are usually made with two pieces of wood rather than a single piece (common in most types). Imagine a straight piece of wood cut at an angle. Now flip the first piece of wood and attach it to the straight piece of wood. This is how the scarf headstock type is made. The angled wood can be attached by flipping the second piece of wood to create a similar design. The created angled joint is done between the neck and the headstock.
Provides elevated string stability and happens to be a reliable design
High-quality scarf-type headstocks are expensive
In this type, you will notice a pronounced angle that will be connected with the guitar’s neck section located right below the headstock. The angled look of this type is produced in a whole or single piece of wood, meaning it requires no cutting of wood like in the case of the scarf type.
The guitar strings will stay in place better because of the design
The production style makes guitars with tilted-back headstocks expensive
If the guitar headstock looks inverted or flipped to you, then it must be a reverse-type headstock. Here the tuners will face downwards rather than upwards (common in the other types). The guitar parts will be placed underneath the guitar section/part.
Unique-looking design that makes bending lower strings easier
Beginner struggle to bend higher strings when dealing with this design
This type also goes by the name of slotted headstocks. Just imagine the headstock of a traditional ukulele. Here each guitar string will be threaded through the slots present and then secured tightly in place using a specialized knot or tying technique.
Provides an aesthetic vibe with added durability and control
Beginners find this design harder to restring
One of the most common types of guitar used by most beginners is the acoustic guitar. They come in many different types, styles, and designs. The type of headstock seen in all standard acoustic guitars is another headstock type you need to be familiar with. In most cases, this type of headstock will be angled at the same angle as the neck. It is also known as Solid headstock which is usually accompanied by a horizontal nut through which the guitar strings will pass. Here the tuners will be equally distributed (3 on each side of the headstock) and placed on both sides of the guitar headstock.
Due to its design, this headstock can offer optimal string tension and stability
The design is simple and very common
Technically, this type is missing the main subject of this guide – the headstock. You will find many major brands selling a design that does not follow the traditional “guitars with headstock” design. However, you should not overlook them as some amazing headless guitars are available for beginners at different price ranges. In the case of this design, most parts placed on the headstock traditionally will be placed/constructed inside the guitar’s body. Changing strings can be more easy and quick in this type.
Lighter in weight due to its design and reduces the complexity of using guitars for beginners in some cases
It cannot be re-tuned in the middle of a performance
Besides these 7 mentioned here, other guitar headstock types are available as well. You can even find a type that is a combination/hybrid of 2 popular types. So, do look into this topic in more detail to check out the other types as well.
There you go; this was a guide explaining the common guitar headstock types that all guitar players and enthusiasts should know about. With the information shared above, choosing the right headstock for you will become an easier task. Thus, it is highly advisable that you know more about guitar anatomy for a better understanding.
Guitar Cleaning Products On Amazon
As a guitarist, keeping your instrument clean is crucial to maintain its optimal performance and extend its lifespan. Luckily, Amazon has a wide range of guitar cleaning products to choose from. Here are eight of the best guitar cleaning products on Amazon.
1. Dunlop 6500 System 65 Guitar Maintenance Kit – $25.99
The Dunlop 6500 System 65 Guitar Maintenance Kit includes everything you need to keep your guitar in top condition, including Formula 65 cleaner/polish, Fingerboard 01 cleaner and prep, Ultraglide 65 string conditioner, and a Micro Fine fret polishing cloth. This kit is an all-in-one solution for cleaning and maintaining your guitar.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002D06MO/
2. MusicNomad MN105 F-ONE Fretboard Oil Cleaner and Conditioner – $9.99
The MusicNomad MN105 F-ONE Fretboard Oil Cleaner and Conditioner is specially designed to clean and condition your guitar’s fretboard. Made with 100% natural oils, this product helps to restore the wood’s natural moisture, shine, and stability. It’s suitable for all unfinished and finished fretboards.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HX91KKQ/
3. Planet Waves Lemon Oil – $6.99
Planet Waves Lemon Oil is a fantastic product that can help you maintain the health and appearance of your guitar’s fretboard. It’s a natural cleaner and conditioner that’s specially designed to remove dirt and grime, while also restoring moisture to the wood. The lemon oil scent leaves your guitar smelling fresh and clean.
Using this product is incredibly easy. Simply apply a small amount of the oil to a clean cloth, and then rub it into the fretboard. You’ll see that the oil quickly penetrates the wood, leaving it looking and feeling like new. It’s important to note that this product is designed for use on unfinished fretboards only, as it can damage finished surfaces.
Overall, Planet Waves Lemon Oil is an excellent product that can help you keep your guitar in top condition. It’s affordable, easy to use, and highly effective, making it a must-have for any guitar player. You can purchase this product on Amazon for just $6.99, and it has received many positive reviews from satisfied customers who have used it on their own guitars.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002E1G5C/
4. Ernie Ball Wonder Wipes String Cleaner – $6.99
The Ernie Ball Wonder Wipes String Cleaner is a convenient and easy-to-use product that cleans and extends the life of your guitar strings. These individually packaged wipes are formulated to remove dirt, sweat, and oils from your strings, improving their playability and tone.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0039ZKQ8Q/
5. MusicNomad MN109 String Fuel Cleaner and Lubricant – $9.99
The MusicNomad MN109 String Fuel Cleaner and Lubricant is a fast-drying, non-toxic formula that cleans and conditions your guitar strings. It removes dirt and grime, while also providing a protective barrier against corrosion and rust. This product is suitable for all stringed instruments.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J1VXS1G/
6. GHS Fast Fret String Cleaner and Lubricant – $7.49
GHS Fast Fret String Cleaner and Lubricant is a popular product that cleans and lubricates your guitar strings. It helps to prolong the life of your strings by reducing friction and wear, while also improving their tone and playability. This product is easy to use and provides excellent results.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002GL3P2/
7. Kyser Dr. Stringfellow Lem-Oil – $5.95
Kyser Dr. Stringfellow Lem-Oil is a highly effective cleaning and conditioning product that can help you keep your guitar looking and feeling like new. This product is specially formulated using a blend of natural oils that are designed to penetrate deep into the wood, removing dirt, grime, and other contaminants that can accumulate over time.
The Lem-Oil is an ideal product for those who want to maintain the natural beauty of their guitar’s fretboard. It can be used on all types of fretboards, including unfinished and finished, and helps to protect against drying and cracking. By using this product regularly, you can extend the life of your guitar and keep it playing and looking great for years to come. The Lem-Oil is easy to apply and comes in a convenient bottle with a dropper tip. To use it, simply apply a few drops to the fretboard and then use a clean cloth to spread it evenly across the surface. Allow the oil to penetrate for a few minutes, then wipe off any excess with a clean cloth.
Overall, Kyser Dr. Stringfellow Lem-Oil is an excellent product that can help you keep your guitar in top condition. It’s affordable, easy to use, and highly effective, making it a must-have for any guitar player. You can purchase this product on Amazon for just $5.95, and it has received many positive reviews from satisfied customers who have used it on their own guitars.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I4JLSC8/
8. Gibson Gear GG-955 Pump Polish – $9.99
The Gibson Gear GG-955 Pump Polish is a high-quality guitar polish that is ideal for maintaining the shine and finish of your guitar. It comes in a convenient pump bottle that makes it easy to apply, and it is safe to use on all guitar finishes. The polish removes dirt, dust, and fingerprints, leaving your guitar looking shiny and clean.
This guitar polish is designed to protect your guitar from everyday wear and tear, including scratches and scuffs. It is also non-abrasive and non-toxic, so you can be confident that it won’t damage your guitar’s finish. The Gibson Gear GG-955 Pump Polish is a must-have for any guitar player who wants to keep their instrument looking and playing its best.
If you’re interested in purchasing the Gibson Gear GG-955 Pump Polish, you can find it on Amazon for $9.99. The product has received positive reviews from many customers who have used it, and it has an overall rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.com/Gibson-Gear-GG-955-Pump-Polish/dp/B0002D06XK/
Final Thoughts
Taking care of your guitar is essential to keep it playing and looking great for years to come. With so many guitar cleaning products on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we’ve highlighted eight of the best guitar cleaning products available on Amazon, each with its own unique features and benefits. Whether you’re looking for a natural oil-based cleaner or a convenient all-in-one spray, these products can help you keep your guitar in top condition. Choose the one that best suits your needs and start taking care of your guitar today!
Guitar Anatomy
Was it Slash’s solo in November Rain that got you interested in guitars? Or was it the energetic and soul-touching performance of B.B. King? No matter who or what got you interested in guitar, this is one of the best and most straightforward instruments to pick up on for kids and adults. It is one of the most-played musical instruments of all time after all! So, like countless others, if you also have signed up for guitar lessons, there are two things that you need to know – 1) Invest in a decent guitar and 2) Become a pro in guitar anatomy
Next is a guide to basic guitar anatomy or different parts of a standard guitar to ensure you are well-prepared for your first lesson. So, do keep on reading!
As a beginner, you have 2 popular options: Acoustic Guitar or Electric Guitar. Both share a couple of differences regarding the different parts of a guitar besides some common parts that you can find on all types of guitar. So, for your better understanding, first, the common parts will be discussed followed by the special parts available in acoustic and electric guitar respectively.
So, here are the basic parts of a standard guitar that all beginners need to know (in vertical top-to-bottom order):
* Headstock
The first bit is the headstock after which the long neck starts. It holds the turning keys (tuners) around which all the guitar strings are wrapped at preferred tightness for creating the right sounds. Usually, the guitar’s brand logo will be imprinted on this part.
* Tuners
As mentioned before, the tuners are the turning keys on the instrument’s headstock.
* Nut
The area where the headstock is connected with the long plank-like structure (neck) of the guitar is known as the nut. Based on the type and brand of guitar you invested in, you will get a plastic, metal, or bone piece attached to where the neck or, more specifically, the fretboard starts.
* Neck
The long plank-like structure on which the guitar strings run is known as the neck. It contains the fretboard, frets, and position markers.
* Fretboard (Fingerboard) and Frets
You will be placing your fingers on the strings that are placed over the neck, hence, this section is known as the fingerboard. It also goes by the name fretboard as this section holds the frets. You will notice a metal string running down the fretboard (fretwire). The spaces found between the fretwire is called frets. In general guitar anatomy terms, Frets and Fretwire are the same thing.
* Position Markers
On most standard guitars, you will notice several dots imprinted or engraved on the fretboard. These dots are fret indicators and go by position markers. So, expect these dots on 12th (2 dots), 9th(1 dot), 7th(1 dot), 5th(1 dot), and 3rd (1 dot) frets.
* Body
The main section that is the broadest is called the body and it holds the bridge and strap pin.
* Strap Pin
Somewhere on the edge of a standard guitar’s body you will find the strap pin (looks like a button generally). Its placement will different from one manufacturer to another. Its purpose is to lock-in the strap for easy/comfortable playing.
* Bridge
If you consider the tuners to be the starting point for the guitar strings, then the bridge can be considered as the place/section where the strings end. So, this section will be the furthest from the nut and always found on the body. Usually, they are constructed with metal. At the time of changing the strings, the ball will go in this section.
The extra parts or bits that you will find in a standard acoustic guitar will be present on the body of a guitar only. The following are the common guitar parts seen in this type of guitar (a go-to choice for all beginners):
* Cutaway
The curved-out section of an acoustic guitar is called the cutaway and it ensures easy access to the upper frets.
* Soundhole
The hollow section through which you see the inside of your guitar is called the soundhole. It is crucial for the type of sound you want to produce with the acoustic guitar.
* Rose
The decoration around the soundhole is called the rose. Some brands may not feature this decorative section.
* Pick Guard or Scratch Plate
Only a small section around the soundhole where your hands will be placed for playing the strings is called the scratch plate. Its purpose is to protect the acoustic guitar from friction. Its design differs from one brand to another.
* Saddle
The saddle is the plastic or bone blot-like section on the bridge where the guitar strings are attached. Some electric guitars also feature this very part.
Now, the following are the bits available in all standard electric guitars:
* Output Jack
The cable plug that will be connecting the electric guitar to the amplifier is called the output jack. If the cable is not connected properly the guitar will not produce any sound.
* Tone and Volume Knobs
Usually, there will be 1-2 tone knobs. They are used for accurately controlling high (treble) and low (bass) sounds. On the other hand, the volume knobs are used for controlling the volume that the electric guitar will be producing once you start playing.
* Pickup
Near the bridge, you will find 1 or more similar kinds of structures seen under the strings of all standard electric guitars. They are called pickups and they play a very critical role. They contain magnets for measuring the changes in the magnetic field created by the guitar strings once played. The two common types are humbucker and single coil.
* Pickup Selector Switch
You will find this if you have more than one pickup in the electric guitar you purchased for your guitar lessons. They make selection and switching of the pickups much easier.
* Scratch Plate
Electric guitars feature scratch plates as well. However, they cover more sections of a guitar than the ones seen in a standard acoustic guitar. They are usually for protecting all the electric guitar parts seen on the body.
There you have it; this was a detailed guide providing the basic idea of guitar anatomy. So, if you want to learn more about the different guitar parts or interested to find out the other parts not mentioned here, consider exploring this topic more. Do seek assistance from your music teacher for professional/guided help on this subject as well.